Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Time: 6.40pm
Location: Monash University

Yes, you are right. I'm blogging IN my class now.

I have exactly 6 more days (inclusive of weekends) to study before my Anatomy midterm exam. There will be 3/4 of the entire unit's syllabus covered and I'm so not prepared. Imagine memorizing EVERY inch on your bones, muscles, nerves, blood supply for your ENTIRE body?

Not to mention I have a fussy-perfectionist-high expectation-lecturer waiting for my assignment that is gonna due this coming Monday and a major lab report (8%)0 that is gonna due on the same day as my Anatomy exam.

I seriously have no idea how I'm gonna complete the assignment, the major lab report as well as studying for this exam in just these 6 days. Wait, only 4 days to until the assignment due.

"Finish reading is one thing, understanding and remembering is another thing"
(Lee, 2007)


Jesus, I seriously need Your favour and wisdom NOW.

All I'm gonna do for these few days would be...

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Yes, nerding in the library.

As always.


On the other hand, I thank God that there isn't MBB lab this morning.

At least I don't need to wake up earlier for lab and rush through an UNPREDICTABLE traffic. Seriously, when I said unpredicatable, it is unpredicatable. I may leave my house at 8am one morning and reach school at 8.15am OR I leave my house at 8am (same) but reach school at 9.20am. That is a whole load of ONE HOUR and 5 minutes extra.

Upon reaching, I don't know why Monash carpark is ALWAYS packed ONLY on Wednesday. I still don't get it.

Also, at least I don't need to be picked on, by my MBB lab demo today.

I don't understand, be it if I was early or late for class, or if the attendance sheet already has my signature or haven't, she tends to CALL my name and ask for me EVERY Wednesday morning without fail. I don't why. This is not the attention I'm seeking for, no.

The freaky part is that she could pronounce my name CORRECTLY (not moon kee, or mun kia, or moon kia) even from the start of the lab itself. Last 2 weeks, she told me this secret. She knows Yink Heay (my ex-lab demo)and she reads Heay's blog. And that, I do tag in Heay's blog, that's why. Now, let's hope she doesn't get linked to this blog okay. It's dangerous.

Since today there isn't a lab session, I could sleep in later than usual, drive to school with a smooth traffic flow and get a parking space straight away. And yes, NO picking on me as well. Phew~

I thank God for today.


Anonymous said...

help me with my assignment=(

aehknum said...

you're funny la.

I baru finished ranting bout my assignments and exam, you ask me to help you with yours. LOL.

Oh kawanku sayang. Gambate! I know you're more geng than me and you can do it =) Hugs!