Tuesday, April 15, 2008


And so, I received this email.

"hiehie.. y u online but MIA wan.. i send u da narration form of presentation ya.. juz read accordingly.. u so smart.. im sure u can figure out which is which.
u do presentation ya.. me answer Q on ur behalf.. hahaha.. good luck... u sure no prob wan la ur english so good... u check if there is any mistake in mine o not ya...
thank you"

All I can say is, "Yeahhhh right!"

-ing doesn't work here weyy 'cause I suck at presenting. You don't know? Let the birds and cats and cows tell you la. I'm more like any other dull scientists who can't speak well with crowd. Oh well..


You won't see smiles (like above) since that picture was taken in an empty lecture hall. And if there's binocular, you might stand a chance to see the shaking legs and hands. Haha. Exaggeration.

Scary okay! Especially with certain people in the lecture hall.... *giggles*

Edit: Okayla, come what may!


kienz said...

*shivers at final fart-how line*

ALXT said...

I know who. Gedikk. *pukes* lol. :)

aehknum said...

kien -- uh?


ailema -- shuddup! Haha. Shouldnt have told you. Now I shy. hahaha

Anonymous said...

well done chee mun khea!!
good job..!!
i'm proud of you..!!

aehknum said...

umm, thanks? =)

So many exclamation marks, could this be Mayvern? Haha. Just wild guesses.. haha.