Sunday, April 13, 2008

(Masih) Sakit Betis.

If you notice the "April at a glance." column on my sidebar, this week is much of a hectic week.

Had a badminton session with Xuewen, Mae Si, Sue-li and Lay Khoon on Friday evening. Odd number, hence have to take turn to play.

Xuewen and Mae Si are like some pro badminton players while on the other hand, Sue-li and Lay Khoon are like some cute amateur players.

Sue-Li in action. Notice the footing? It's okay to stand still when hitting the shuttlecock.

They can do without courts, without net and appropriate sports attire is unnecessary. Playing with jeans and nice blouse -- why not? They're so cute la.

And as I observe further and tried placing myself in one of these 2 categories.. I'm neither here nor there. I played more often than this amateur group hence skills and stamina slightly better than them but I'm not even close from being categorised as the pro group.

Then I ponder, where am I standing in Christ? Do I belong to the hot group? Or the cold? I really hope that I'm not lukewarm.


I have both the horrible Pharmacology report and Gen3030's paper analysis due tomorrow. I received last week's Pharmacology's practical results just only.

Going out for Planetshakers' thingy in an hour's time and then celebrate for Amy later.

Burning midnight's oil tonight again. Good luck to me la.


Sue-Li said...


shld tell me u were snapping pics. Then i smile while playing.

aehknum said...

Haha! Must look abit more pro, no smiling while playing okay! Haha.

*looking at the picture*

Btw, you looked as if you're calling for help here. But good la, at least you sweat and exercised before fried chicken =)