Monday, April 7, 2008

Banyak random.

It's only 7.58pm now and I'm feeling very sleepy already. Short nap? Oh, I can't afford that because it's too expensive just in case I can't shut my eyes and brains until 6am.

Sometimes, we just have to take an extra mile or to sacrifice something in order to achieve our goal. In this case, to stay awake? Oh toothpick, I so need you to hold my eyelids right now.


On a random note, it's sad to find out that my memory power has weaken. Not exactly memory power but more of, err, focus? Aiyah, I don't know la!

For example, I spent my last Saturday afternoon relating stuffs to Amelia (haven't seen her for 2 weeks and haven't been talking to her for quite sometime, since she sleeps super early at night. Healthy lifestyle I reckon? ^^). So let's say when I'm relating a story, and someone or something distracts me or the conversation for just a second, I won't remember what I was relating before that and I won't be able to continue. That happens to me all the time.


And there will be Street Carnival again in Monash this year. The performers who wish to perform (there will be cool prizes for best performers) will have to undergo an audition and guess what?

If not mistaken, I'll be ONE of the judges for this year's audition. *Surprise surprise*

Suddenly I see Simon, Paula and Randy in picture.


Anonymous said...

same thing here.. are we starting to shrink edi ah? brain size included.. =S

Anonymous said...

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Sue-Li said...

Hahaha...ur memory thing is an old story la! U used to tell story halfway, then after tht u'll say tht u forgot wat u wanna say d...dun deny ha!

aehknum said...

Mayc, shrink? I think so! Both my height and brain!! Amelia thinks that I'm getting shorter by day (actually she's trying to deny herself growing taller. Ishh!)

aehknum said...

Sue-li, USED to?? Now still la!! The problem is, it has gotten worse you know!!! Last Sat was horrible, I kept forgetting what I wanna say halfway through my stories. Amelia has to repeat back whatever we said before that trying very hard to remind me.

How la?!! Belum 22 years old pun sudah macam nie.. Baru aje melangkau ke zaman dewasa. Keluhh~