Friday, November 2, 2007

Have been busy panicking preparing for my exams. In a while, I'll be sitting for my first paper for this semester.

Went to meet my favourite lecturer with Mei Xian just now to ask for tips get some revision guide for the exam later. She wasn't there, so we left her a note.

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Oh, did I mention that we have this Mentoring Program in Monash University?

Every student will be allocated to a lecturer as our mentor, someone to spill our problems and whatnot. Randomly picked and coincidentally, both Mei Xian and I got Dr Emily. Yeah, so she's our mentor.

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Favourite mentoree?

Alright, that was self-proclaimed. But I'm pretty sure we are! LOL

She's one of the mean (she said this herself) lecturers who doesn't give tips to her students. But today, she *cough* spilled a little to us. Not directly but yeah, guess they're helpful. I don't know. Anyway, it was a great time spent and we ended up speaking rojak English-Canto.

This is the first time I feel so comfy with a lecturer. Someone whom I can let my hair down with, laughing and screaming. Okay, you can scratch that 'screaming'.


And I don't know why for these two days, I was kinda annoyed with this person's response/actions/attitude. It somehow peaks even more when I was about to leave my study group place. Abit pissed, I must say, that makes me felt like leaving that place asap.

As I was driving back home today, I was reflecting on His love for me. Suddenly, I felt like loving her even more, unconditionally. Not with my own love of course, but with His love.

Because I know my love for someone would fail but His love is everlasting.

I feel so much at peace after that.


Have you ever tried before at one time, being at a place and at the same time, you're not there?

Wait, did I confuse you?

I mean, you're there with your friends when they talked and laughed bout something. After a few days when those friends want to relate the stories with you bout that day, they're shocked that you know everything that has happened there.

Okay, that happens to me.

Reason: These friends couldn't recall me being there. They thought I wasn't there JUST BECAUSE I didn't talk much (you can scratch the 'much' as well).

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Okayy, that makes me invisible.


Eevy said...


aehknum said...

its not mentee la.. its mentoree.

Mentee is a wrong word used. I mean its commonly used by people but this word doesnt exist.

I don't have any other examples to give you but its mentoree la. Given by an English teacher one. =)

Eevy said...

I found mentee in and not mentoree wor.

Eevy said...

Lol, nvm long as we understand. =)

by_JeaN said...

Mk... u may edit sumthing now..
coz its now THEM who make u feel invisible..
i'm the one who didnt notice ur presence..
and u may cite "eh.. MK is there tat time meh?"

aehknum said...


aiks? mentee ah? hhmmm.. so weird when that english teacher said its wrong. Yeah, but nevermind la =)


its okay la. I'm not accusing anyone here though. No worries. Just something I found out. Not important. Dont need to edit la. Have to sign in.