Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Missing pieces.

Out of lameness, I pestered Amelia to start a puzzle game with me over MSN.

It's definitely not easy to put the small pieces together when everything is so jumbled up. Next, you may want to sort them out first, according to the border shape, or the colours.

It's easier to form the border of the big picture first, and the harder part would be placing the smaller pieces in the middle?

Towards the end, when I thought I was going to succeed... only then I know, I missed two pieces of puzzle. They went missing somewhere. Yeah, somewhere.

And the picture is incomplete eventhough I've put 48 other pieces together. It's altogether a different feeling.

And I began to reflect.

The same goes to our lives. We'll all start with the most basic foundation (the borders) by studying hard, get good grades, get into good companies.

Next, the smaller pieces of puzzle are the things that we want to achieve like starting a family, getting big cars, big houses. Life seems satisfying towards the end. You get everything you want.

But you missed two important puzzle piece. It's incomplete. And the entire success thingy is almost nothing when you die without these 2 pieces to make your life complete.

These two pieces are Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

It's totally a different thing without them despite how 'successful' you are in your life. It's like driving a car without petrol or playing a guitar without strings?

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life.

Then how to make your life complete? Allow Him into yours.