Saturday, November 10, 2007

Clean and neat

Quite bored with the other template.

I find this cleaner and neater.. will use this till I found a nicer template.


My swollen eye is getting better.

Well done, Antibiotics!

On the other note, thanks people for praying.


Now people, please make me study.

I wasted one whole week and didn't really study anything.



I know you can sweep all the A1s with His favour on you! =)


Eevy said...

I like the header..nice..

aehknum said...


ehh.. you abit very fast right? I just put this up only worr..

Study la!! haha!

jphuaa said...


nylus said...

eh eh... who is the one needs to study but got time to change blog layout... lol

nylus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aehknum said...

sexyaffie - i know who you are!! HAHA! hello Joy! Gonna link you up soon, when I next sign in.

nylus - Whoopss. busted. I'm studying tonite!! Are you staying up with me? Eh eh, your paper finished edi??

Anne said... skin~!hahaha!i actually considered this skin that day =p and yess go study study...dun go blog skin hunting lol

aehknum said...

li anne -- Yealor, no more emo-fied/professional (depends how you all put it) looking pic of the one on an eerie corridor. I still like that pic tho. Might put it up again, next time.

I like this template because of its wide entry column. Most of them all small small one. Hhmm. Haha! Make me studyy!

Anonymous said...

is it just me or there's no tagboard at all? eyes better now? hope it doesn't get smaller :P

aehknum said...

ahha! Yeah, there's no more tagboard. For the time being. Doesn't serve much of a purpose since not many spam there.

Prefer comments. Easier to manage and more organized. You can leave comments lor.

Yeah, those antibiotic works. My eyes is back into shape again. Earlier it was bigger thanks to the eyelid. Now back to the normal MK =) Thanks weyy!

jphuaa said...

You do know that I don't use blogger anymore, don't you? Change to lj it's the besttttttttt.

aehknum said...

I didn't know. I was about to ask you, which one? Cause you have one blogspot and another with your friends. But neither is updated. So I guess you've switched it to something else.

Why LJ?? Haha! I don't like to comment there, mafan! Just because I have to comment as anonymous.. -.-