Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Back in highschool, I was taught that a word that ends with -ase are usually enzymes, where they are used to catalyze (speed up or slow down) a reaction.

Usually the enzyme bears the name of the substrate they catalyze by adding an -ase at the back of it.

For example, maltase catalyzes maltose while sucrase catalyzes sucrose.

Today, I learnt a new enzyme. It's called luciferase. I wonder if it catalyzes Lucifer?


Biblically, Lucifer is the fallen angel (satan) cast out of heaven. Isaiah 14:12

Meanwhile, luciferase is actually the enzyme responsible to incorporate the luminescence gene to express the luminescence (glowing) properties. For example, fireflies and jelly fish.

Learned something?

Be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Definately not. Otherwise he would be Luciferose ;) hahhah! (dont mind me)

nilimpa said...

Lucifer is also the Latin word for "light-bringer". That's probably why that name was chosen. Haha.

aehknum said...


Of course I don't mind la! Lawl. You are right man! Luciferose!


Yea, I know bout that. This post is just a random one.

That's what Lucifer meant actually, as his name suggest he was the "bright shining star" and now he's known as the fallen star. And its a latin name for "light-bringer" and thus, the luminescence property =)

You did some homework eh? =D

nilimpa said...

Lol no la. I tried learning a bit of Latin. But failed horribly.

aehknum said...

Learn latin?

Whoa! Gaya weyy!! Haha! If I'm asked to learn a foreign language, I think I'll wanna learn Greek or Hebrew =P

Anonymous said...

now THIS is scary. My lecture today touched on luciferase! X)

aehknum said...


but good what, at least you edi know abit of luciferase' background (luciferase could be an enzyme to catalyze lucifer) when he teach you =P

See, so good! You get to learn something from this blog post for the 1st time =)