Monday, August 20, 2007

I used to collect foreign coins as my hobby when I was younger, during the primary school days.

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Exactly 10 years ago when I was still a kid, my popo (grandma) wanted to fly to the States to take care of my newborn cousin.

I went through my collection and looked for all the States' coins.

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I only found two. 2 pieces of a quarter of dollar, so it's just 50 cents?

"Popo, this is for you. Take them, you may need it when you're there"

Well, mom said those amount that I gave her isn't enough to get anything. It's insignificant.

Iam was VERY naive back then. Mom was right. That amount could be of too little value to get something, but deep down I knew they meant a lot to popo. Just because...

... that was ALL her little granddaughter has.


In anything you do, just give your best (that includes studies, sports, music etc). You may think you aren't as good as the others. But the little you have, when you offer EVERYTHING that you have, it is more valuable than any other good things. The offering is complete, it is whole.

Luke 21: 1 - 4


lamerzoid said...

good one ;)
reminds me of the parable of the widow's offering in luke 21

aehknum said...

Thanks Cheryl.

I'm encouraged by your comment =)