Monday, February 25, 2008

This week is gonna be an exciting week!

If you took note the time I started writing this entry, yeah that's the time I just woke up from my nap. Napped right after dinner! Piggy? Oh, you can say that again.

I still don't know what zapped all my energy away. Nonetheless, this week is gonna be an exciting week!

Some of you asked, "Why so?"

The reason is simple. I just wanna proclaim it and I know my words have power and hence, it'll be great.


I'm very excited 'bout what You're gonna do in my life.
I can't wait to see You face-to-face again.
Just a glimpse of Your glory is all I need.
I know just a slight touch from You will change my life.

I just can't wait!


nilimpa said...

"Piggy" is reserved for Sue-Li.

aehknum said...

reserved for Sue-Li? =O

Why so? Anything that I missed out?? =)