Friday, February 8, 2008

jong yao pin ko oi hok kwong tung wa?

Kam yat zhen hai hou siu!

Juvee kiu ngo kao kui kong Cantonese. So, ngo mai tong kui kong Cantonese hiong MSN hou ji yi ka lor. Tim chi kui kam tak yi keh.

Kui zhi kei wa teng yat oi lei ngo ok kei tan hai yao mm kam zhi kei lei. Kui kong, "hak sei ngo meh!!" Yao yiu lei yao yiu keng. Ngo zhen hai mm meng pak li ko peng yao.

Ohhh! Zhong yao yat kong peng yao (Amelia), kui kong ha kong ha Cantonese yat pun mou tuin tuin kong fan ying man. Piu tou yao yi si leh? Yi ka kui moi tong ngo kong wa jor lor. Yao Juvee tong mai Angel tung kui kong wa, kui mou si kan choi li ko mo liu yan ngo jor lor. Siong sam siong sam!

Ngo zhen sat pai!

Lei tei tok jor kam loi meng pak ngo seh mat yeh meh?

If you can read all these perfectly well and understand them, your Cantonese is not bad uh? =)

Have a good day! =)


nilimpa said...

Understood all... but.. Very hard to read. Well, I guess it's difficult considering how there isn't a widely used standard for romanizing Cantonese such as pin yin. Ping Yum? LOL.

aehknum said...

Understood all?? GOOD JOB!!

Ping Yum? You translated the pinyin word is it? LOL!!!!

Your Canto is good enough already la. Actually my other Canto friends laugh at my spoken Canto. They say there are alot of English slang in my Canto, not original. So I don't have the license to teach ppl since I'm lousy myself. Hhmmm..

I need to learn Mandarin!

Rachel Phuah said...

Ngo meng pak sai. Hai mm hai hou lek leh? :) Gong hei fatt choi!

Chee Shin, Gan said...

wo bu zhi dao ni dao di zai jiang shen me! ><

understood abit bit nia... but at least i understood the whole phrase 'Lei tei tok jor kam loi meng pak ngo seh mat yeh meh? ' and of cos a few others XD

gong xi fa cai!!! =D

nylus said...

wa eh hiao tak kau chap pa percent nia... =.="

Anonymous said...

I gave up after reading the forth line.

aehknum said...

whay ying -- lei hou lekk!! hui zheong lei zhi kei sek cookies la okay?

aehknum said...

chee shin -- ni bu zhi dao wo zai jiang shen me? ni pu chuo liao le. hai hao ni ming pai yi dien yi dien =)

aehknum said...

su-lyn --- le eh hiao tak kau chap pa percent?? gao lor!!!! zhing jia gao! zhin eh! ai believe wa!!

aehknum said...

amelia --- =O you need translation? go pick up Cantonese la... to converse with your granny, hehe! =)

yinkheay said...

yeay! can understand all. but my spoken cantonese is lousy wor =P

aehknum said...

FUYOHH~ It's very good already, Heay. I'm sure you picked up alot by watching TVB series or just by staying in Sunway/Subang area. All Canto speaking one.. =)

Btw, Gong Hei Fatt Choyy! =)

Grace said...

Piu tou yao yi si leh? what does this mean? can't figure it out...ehe...happy chinese new year...thanks for ur concern, i'm getting better now...=)

Grace said...

the rest need to really think of the words...can't use chinese ping yin...all wrong...ehe...and doesn't make sense..

aehknum said...

'piu tou yao yi si leh?' -- can be literally translated as 'where got meaning leh?' Sorry sorry, just notice the spelling error for the first word. Supposed to be "PIN tou yao yi si leh?" Didn't check earlier on. Paiseh paiseh. Will edit will edit.

LOL. Yeah, if only can use the pinyin. Actually I didn't really follow the mandarin one lerr.. coz I don't know Chinese and I simply write following my intonation only. Hehe! Enjoy translating!

Anonymous said...

understood all. :D

aehknum said...

Fuyohh! *Applause* Congratulations, your canto is better than Amy's! =)

Anonymous said...

Zheong zhi gei? -,- You zheong me, cannot? This post has so many comments.

Grace said...

yay...i know how to listen and read cantonese d...thanks to all the tvb series...ehe...

aehknum said...

Whayying --- Okay, I zheong you! Some cookies only rite?? Haha! Make your way to my place please.. =)


gracie --- yeah man! I feel I learned alot from those series too.. since young. Hehe! Must give the malay subtitles some credits =)

Anne said...

MUN K I UNDERSTOOD! HAHA! WOOT. toh che toh che TAI KA rofl :P

aehknum said...

Whoa Li Anne! I'm amazed!! No more kam to yan? ROFL

Anonymous said...

whoah where can compare me with amy? dont compare the obvious. HAHA.

aehknum said...

ohhhhhhhh!! I'll tell her!!

Anonymous said...

tired of comments like "In a way. " or buy antibiotics online. Then write to me at icq 75949683256...