Friday, February 22, 2008

Change The Weather.

Last week

This guy called me upon receiving an email from me regarding the HP event.

(Conversation in Mandarin)

He: Hello, can I speak to so and so?

me: Yeah, speaking.

So I just received an email bout the event la. What should I do with it?

You would need to register if you wish to participate in this event. You can either reply our email, fax your name and details to us or even register with me over the line right now.

You mean now? I just need to tell you my name?


Okay, register la. My name is ________.

Sorry sir, do you mind spelling it for me?

Okay. g-o-h-UNDERSCORE-c-h-e-e-UNDERSCORE-h-y-u-n-g.

Err. Underscore? An email?

Or you all can call me Steven also. Steven Goh Chee Hyung.

Oh I see. Okay Steven, thanks.

So, people.. can someone tell me what's with the underscore??
Prolly he got it mixed up with space uh? LOL



So now that the event has ended, those participants were supposed to fill up an evaluation form and they're asked to give feedbacks regarding the event.

One of the questions:

What can we do to improve this event in the future? We welcome suggestions.

And the brilliant answer from the same guy as above:

"Control the weather of the room temperature. Very cold!! Or provide us a jacket to warm us."

uh huh.. -.-"

funny guy!


That's why we laugh so much at work.