Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Just realize that I only have 3 more studying days before my exam. OMG.

And you know you know when you're studying bout something, and in my case bout 'classical and operant conditioning' in psychology, I realize that we encounter them all the time in our everyday life!

We do something that we don't really want to do but we still have to do it so that we wont get penalized and sometimes, we'll be rewarded.

Well at least I'll reward myself.

For example, I didn't want to log on to MSN at first because I was supposed to study. In the end, I told myself if I can read finish a reasonable amount of pages, then I can reply or send online messages.

So I have to finish studying 5 pages before I can reply Amelia or send out messages. That's my 'reward'. So if I can't finish, then I cannot talk la. Simple as that. The same goes for Jiawen.

Another example would be, if I want to eat Fruitips (yum!), I have to finish at least one page of my reading. That's reasonable right? (Btw, my fruitips gonna no more edi).


So as I was studying, I came across this passage about extinction. Not literally the 'pupus' extinction. Rather, the response elicited starts to fade if there's no continuous stimulus given.

"In other words, failure to reinforce a response extinguishes that response. The response occurs less often and eventually disappear. If lever pressing no longer brings food, a rat stops pressing; if repeated text messages to a friend are not answered, you eventually stop sending them."

Its so true right? At least for me, yes la. The same goes for email and MSN conversations.

Okay, back to my revision. Sleepless nights, aih.


Yan Hui said...

heyss!haha.replied ur msg in my blog.
=) go and get tagboard hard to leave msg through this.=P and wow,nice blogskin!=)

Anonymous said...

hey mun k... i was wondering.. u taking medic rite? psychology is part of the package ah?

aehknum said...

amanda, oh okay. Haha, don't want tagboard la. Lazy.


sherene, I'm not doing medic. I'm doing medical science. It's just the first 3 years of medic but I won't continue la to be a doctor la. Can't wait to come out. Study till gila edi. Psychology is not part of it though it belongs to the medical faculty. It's my elective. I just choose to do it instead of any other business subjects. I just cant do arts. Difficult for me.