Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grace & Mercy.

The two words, grace and mercy are like big words to me. In my earlier days, I don't know how to differentiate them.

You know, its like so common for us to say "I need Your grace and mercy, Lord" but what's the differences?

Looking at the definition now, these words are actually so interesting and beautiful.

Mercy literally means not getting what you deserve. For example, we do wrong and we deserve punishment. But mercy said we can be pardoned for our wrong-doings. The penalty for sin is usually death but because of one's mercy (or in this case, God), we don't get the penalty. Or say, we broke our dad's important vase but instead of getting spankings or scoldings from him, he said its okay. That's the beauty of Father's love. That's what it mean by not getting what we deserve.

On the other hand, grace simply means getting what we don't deserve. For example, salvation. We cannot earn salvation with our own efforts but we receive it freely because of Jesus' complete work on the cross. Hence, its freely given to us eventhough we don't deserve it. Or we haven't been good children but our parents still love us so much and give us whatever we want. That's grace.

Aren't they beautiful? Now I thank God for grace and mercy in my life.


Orcagal said...

wow...nice sharing! :D now i know the difference!

aehknum said...

Haha so interesting eh? One is not getting what we deserve while the other is getting what we don't deserve. Its like just playing around with the words but the gist is that Jesus loves us so much that He does anything just for us :)

Jesus loves you, Kim!

Orcagal said...

Thanks MK! Jesus loves u too Mun Khea!! :)