Friday, May 23, 2008

Interesting lessons.

Oh, what a glorious day! Handed in my last copy of report and assignment today. Phew~ Now I can focus and start my revision.

Btw, I managed to finish my Clinical Chemistry syllabus yesternight for today's test! Fuyohh~

It was really rushy this afternoon as xuewen (and her friends) had to pick up soft drinks and cakes from Pyramid just now. Yeah, my role as their honoured chauffeur.

Penalty, I was late for my test (after dropping them back at college and to park my car, ran to the lab, pressed the lift button and to wait for it to elevate me to level 6 TAKES TIME). Oh well, my bad.

Obviously Dr Ton wasn't very happy with me. Collected the question from her, and completed them in 5 mins (only 10 MCQ). Phew~

Anyway, out of the entire Clinical Chemistry textbook I covered yesternight, I found several interesting points.

  1. Our gut (stomach, intestines etc) was very sterile when we were borned. As you all know our colon is the dirtiest organ (which leads to anus) in our body and it inhabits lots of bacteria -- some that's helpful for our digestion and all. It was sterile UNTIL we eat junks like now. Not literally junks, but yeah.

  2. We need cholesterol to make Vitamin D. We always think cholesterol is bad. But the sun converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D. Hence, that's the precursor for vitamin D -- strong bones. No cholesterol, no strong bone? Haha.. what a way to put it.

  3. Overdose of Vitamin A and D brings toxic to our body. We tend to take all kind of vitamin supplement just in case we do not have enough vitamin in our body to combat illnesses. The thought, "Its okay to have more, but not less". Nope! Overdose could lead to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness, headache, fatigue, bone pain, loss of hair, discolouration of skin -- for vit A; and hypercalcaemia for vit D! (omg!)

  4. Rhodopsin (Vitamin A + opsin) will be destroyed by bright lights. This is interesting. As you all know Vit A is for night vision right? Rhodopsin is a retinal pigment -- consists of vit A and a protein namely the opsin which aids in night vision. In bright lights, they are destroyed! So we take in vit A -- in dim light, they help us to see in the dark; in bright lights, bye bye!

  5. Too much of raw egg white can lead to hair loss and dermatitis (biotin deficiency). There's this protein (avidin) present in the raw egg white binds with the biotin hence prevent its absorption. Biotin deficiency -- hair loss, skin problem. Cook your egg!

*yawns* Okay, I know. So much of unnecessary and unwanted facts right? Just felt like throwing them out. Haha.

I'm out!


kienz said...

MK's Manual of health

Anonymous said...

hole-eeee crap... i'm goin to miss bio.... hahaha.. nvm i can come to ur blog for bio lessons hehe

aehknum said...

kienz, don't say like that la. Malu. If not, later ppl think that I'm a health freak which obviously I'm far from that

aehknum said...

Sherene, glad you're enjoying these "lessons". Guess you're THE ONLY ONE. Thanks anyway!

guchi guchi said...

interesting. Any thoughts as to whether baby kailan+toufu+rice+pork chop+tom yam soup+two flavours of ice cream in one night can cause stomach ache or not?

Sorry just curious, bad experience.

aehknum said...

Umm, you mean stomachache from the combination of these food?

Shouldn't be a problem la. Unless its too much for you. But this combination shouldn't lead you to stomachache. Could be other reason? Like, hygiene?