Sunday, June 3, 2007


Thanks, friends who made it to my place yesterday. Was awesome to have you guys!

To my uni gang:
Thank you so much for such a blessing to me and make it tho' it was nearing the horrifying finals

To my Klang gang:
Thanks so much for coming and it was marvellous to see you all again.

To my Harvest Youth gang:
You guys rocks for Christ weyy! Thank you so much!

To my dearest seniors, Vani and Sze Ee:
You two are the best seniors. Thanks for spending some time to come even tho' you guys are busy.

To my relatives and church adults:
Thank you so much.

To the representative of Bethany as well as my dearest friend from Kuching, Angela:
Darling, thanks for everything! It was awesome to have you that nite. Will meet you soon again.

Last but not least, my parents and sisters:
Thanks for the effort put and for everything. Love you all!

Thanks, Sue-li for calling all the way from Gippsland tho' it wasn't very clear

Thanks, Su Ann for calling all the way from the United States tho' you were rushing for class.

Thanks, Sher Ri for calling all the way from Adelaide early in the morning.

Thanks, I Fen for calling all the way from London

Thanks dears. Make me miss you guys even more after hearing your voices.

Thanks, people for all the presents and wishes.


It was memorable and a blessing to me.
Appreciate you guys.
I was blessed =)


Anne said...

glad u had a great time!hehe