Monday, August 16, 2010

Should I or Should I Not?

have been quite indecisive lately.

to make a decision, one may need to consider every other factors and the possible outcomes to the decision made.

its alot easier said than done, like to follow what our hearts want or what we like etc. but the something that we like may sound like some selfish ambition kind of decision.

but whats the point of doing something that we're not keen at but just for the sake of pleasing everyone around us right?

and what about a decision thats gonna determine how our life's going to be ahead. the commitments and all.

and what i was considering this morning is, should or should not continue my degree in MBBS?

actually this question is not something sudden, it has been a burden in me for quite a while already after finding out that my Medical Science degree can be converted to MBBS and get some units exempted. alongside with encouragements from the doctors (my customers) that i meet. most of them got a little personal once they see my namecard with my stated qualification and my status currently is like im neither here nor there.

but there are alot of other factors too. like, where? which university that allows conversion? finances? how long more?

or should i just continue working like now and do just like the others and take everything as part of lives.

lately, im really in need of encouragements and motivations.


kienz said...

Wow, big question. Good luck with that decision, heh