Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th. Jinx?

I was reluctant to wake up this morning and i continued snoozing the alarm. At the same time I cannot afford to be late to work 'cause I've a meeting to attend. And out of a very rare sight, dad woke me up this morning!

Saw a missed call and received a good morning text message from buddy at 6.56am. Totally made my day!

Rushed and headed off to work but left later than usual time. Proclaimed and the traffic got really smooth and either the traffic light turns green or the police wave a "go" for me for all traffic junctions. So yay!!

Arrived office on time!

Looks like Friday the 13th is not that bad after all?

Actually it depends on what belief that you hold on to. If you believe that today's gonna be a bad day, whatever you do you'll have this belief that things won't work out right and it wont work out right!

On contrary, if you believe things will be good and its gonna be a productive day, it will be!


Also, I was looking forward in seeing buddy after days of meeting each other and that spurs up my excitement for today even more!

And oh, Happy 4 Months, buddy!

I cannot do it alone, let's walk this buddyship together. I thank God for you. I'm looking forward for the 5th month, 6th month, x months and years to come! I know i've been quite demanding and all, thanks for bearing with me all these while and be so accommodating.

Thanks again for being my buddy! *hugs*