Friday, April 30, 2010


us humans are really funny creations. okay la, unique i mean.

we do what we shouldn't do, we don't do what we should.

and we want what we cannot get. and with the implanted natural greed in us, even when we get finally get what we want, we want more.

more ultimately, we make things complicated when things are actually really simple. we'd like to be called the intellectuals, bragging our complicated and complex brain that we have when compared to other species in the animal kingdom.

for example, 1 + 1 is 2. thats it. but us human wont believe its just that. we'd like to try factorizing them and then differentiating them and then adding in some integrations and after completing calculations in 6 sheets of exam pads, then only to realise that we can't get the answer. then we became frustrated. and a genuine little kid comes up to us stating shouldn't it just be 2 since its 1 plus 1.

like it or not, our lives are like that. we like to make things complicated and find issues and can't settle them and be angry with ourselves, with people around us and only to know that the solution is one simple one. if only we sit back, breathe in and see from another perspective, everything can be done.

personally, i believe and i like the child-like faith and i believe each and everyone of us still has this instilled in us, just that we'd prefer to bury them real deep underneath and overshadowed by this character called The Ego.

and fyi, childlike-faith differs from being childish okay. they are two different separate entities altogether

have a good day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life Is A Like Drama

People always say life is like a roller coaster. It'll go up and down and up and down and thankfully not stagnant. Only dead people has a straight and stagnant pulse

Some others would say that life is like a box of chocolate. You wont know what is it until you open it up. Bittersweet --- apparently thats the best-tasting ones.

For myself, I'd like to think its like a drama. We're the producer, the director, the actors/actresses as well as the audience.

Sometimes its really funny when you got so involved watching the drama of your good friend's life like as if you're living in it too? Like, you're emotionally affected too when the emotions of the heroes/heroins in the drama that you're watching are? I guess thats when we should compliment the script writer and also the director of this drama. Or maybe the actors too since they can portray them well?

I just found out that i was rather affected by this good friend's drama of life. That probably explains a li'l bout the unknown not-in-the-mood and restless feeling I had for the past one week.

Now you might not know which other friends are affected by you too. Remember the Energy Law of Physics? Energy cannot be destroyed and created. They only can be transferred and change in forms